Last Thursday I went into Northside to be induced. My contractions began about 2am Friday morning and were every minute or so and were lasting about 30 seconds, so I wasn't ever able to feel a break between them. I opted for the epidural about 8am Friday morning, and it was the best decision I've ever made. At 11:45 am I was 4 cm dialated, at 1:15 I was 9cm dialated. We were thrilled that things were moving along at the pace that they were, we thought we would have a baby by 4 or 5. However, at 4:45, I was still 9cm dialated. They started pitocin and told me that if the baby didn't respond well to the pictocin that we were going to have to have a C-section. The baby tolerated the pitocin, and around 5:40 they checked me again. They said that I still had a little cervix left, but felt I could probably push through it. I did, and Charotte was born at 6:26. On the way down the birth canal Charlotte aspirated amniotic fluid. She was a little purple when she came out and was then taken to the transitional nursery for 2 hours. I did get to hold her before they took her, but it was really hard to sit there in recovery without my baby. Around 9:00 she came up to my recovery room.
My parents were here for the first week she was home. Aunt Sally came on Wednesday as well. I'm not sure what we would have done without them. They cooked every meal, did the laundry, bought food and baby supplies, took the dog for a walk, etc. It allowed me to concentrate on breastfeeding, sleeping, and getting to know Charlotte. It was so nice to share this special time with them.
Charlotte is doing really well. Her weight has started to go up and her little tummy is getting fatter. She is sleeping well at night, only getting up for feedings. Her birthweight went down about 5.5% when we were discharged from the hospital. Since then, we have had 3 weight checks at the pedicatrician. At the last weight check she was up 3 oz. We go for another weight check on the 15th, she hopefully will be back up to her birth weight by then.
I can't believe how much she has changed in a week. It makes me sad to think that the first week is over. Here is her 1 week picture:
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