Charlotte is harder and harder to take a picture of. She is constantly on the move, and most of the time trying to grab the camera. I think I took over 50 pictures trying to get a decent 10 month picture - and this is the best of the bunch. The lighting is off, color is off, and it is out of focus...oh well. If I have another baby and do a picture of the month, I'm going to do it very differently.
10 months is my favorite age so far. I fall in love with this little girl in a different way everyday. We were in the grocery store yesterday, Charlotte was sitting in the cart with her brown puffy coat and pink hat. I bent down to grab something off of the bottom shelf, when I looked up at her she looked right back at me with those huge blue eyes and smiled. Then, she let out a soft little sigh. My heart actually skipped a beat. The way she was smiling it was almost like she was saying, "I love you, Mom".
Every day I am watching her learn new things. You can actually see her learn, it is like a little miracle every time. With each new thing she does, I am torn between the little toddler she is becoming and the little baby I once had.

She is so precious to us.
She is such a sweet, good little girl. I can't get over how much she has grown and how good she is.
cute photos! glad she is so much fun now!! I can't wait.
gosh, carrie, she is gorgeous! i can't wait to meet mary margaret and have the same experiences with her as you do with your little one.
This is my favorite picture so far!
She is such a blessing. Nina
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