For the past year, I have wanted the courage to start something of my own. I have had a few different ideas over that time, and have even tried to implement some. But each time I started something, photography always brought me back.
The kick I needed came last night. Judd and I were talking about the portrait session I did for my boss' daughter in July. While I was proofing the images at that time, Judd said they were good like the dutiful husband that he is. Last night, out of the blue, he asked me if I ever heard whether my boss' daughter liked the images or not. I said that I hadn't really heard anything about it (my boss has been out of the office for a month). Then he added, "They were really good." He said it in a way that I really believed that he thought they were good - he wasn't just saying it because it was my latest project. If he believes in me, then I believe in me too.
So, to get started, I'd like to offer Holiday Mini Sessions. This is an awesome way to get your family's holiday picture and Christmas cards ready. (Did you know Christmas is only 3.5 months away?!) Once I have a few takers (just email me: carrieedavis at, I will decide on a location that is somewhat central to everyone.
I hope to have up next week with a couple of sessions that I have done. Also, I will post the holiday card templates next week.
Congrats on making the leap and best of luck! I know you will do great!
Congratulations! That is awesome!! Be prepared for me to ask you a lot of questions when I decide to make the leap :)
Best of luck. I always love your photos.
You're going to be great!! You're so talented.
I wish we lived closer, because I would love for you to do our holiday photos. I even already have Lindsay's Christmas dress. Ok, I'm not that organized; it was a gift last Christmas from her Mima but a size bigger, so it would hopefully fit this year. Can't wait to see your photo blog and sneak peaks from all your sessions! You will do great!
Congrats to you Carrie! That is wonderful!!! I have always enjoyed your pictures on your blog - you have serious talent!
Congrats and good luck! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!!
Way to go, Big C! So excited and happy for you.
this is great news! and I'm sending you an email right now to get booked!
YAY Carrie! That's AWESOME news! I'm looking forward to following you as you get this launched! :)
So exciting! Can't wait to see some more of your work!
I would like for you to take our family at Thanksgiving. But, you would have to be in it too. Is that possible?
Congrats! Sorry, I have no kids for which to book anything with...and Colonel Mustard says that, like all good supermodels, he doesn't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a his modeling fees combined with a professional photographer might bankrupt me. Not too good when I'm buying a house...
But good luck!
This is awesome!! Congratulations... We want to start working on our holiday cards. Do you only do gigs in Atlanta, or would you travel to PR ? :)
Congratulations!!! You'll be awesome because your photos are awesome.
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