Thursday, February 18

Singing You To Sleep



Tonight, since your Daddy is out of town, I had the pleasure of putting you to bed. You sat on my lap in the rocker in the corner of your room with your 2 favorite blankets, piglet and cup of milk. There is hardly room for all of it plus the two of us, but it is so comforting to you - it is part of the routine, and we aren't planning to change it anytime soon. Taking your paci away was heartbreaking enough. I will rock you in that rocker until you leave for college if you want me to.

After we read your new favorite book, "I Love You Stinky Face", I turned out the light and started to sing to you. I sang all of the songs that Daddy sings - "You Are My Sunshine", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Jesus Loves Me", and "Jesus Loves the Little Children".

As I was singing, you started to sing - you know all of the words!! You didn't just sing softly, you sang as if you wanted everyone to hear. You have the sweetest voice and I absolutely adore the way you sing certain words. I'm not sure why I started to cry, but it brought tears to my eyes when you sang along with me. You didn't notice, you just kept singing even though I know a couple of tears dripped on your clean hair.

You are getting so big, but are still such a baby to me. I can hardly believe that the tiny baby I struggled to feed in that rocker is now singing songs with me. I'm so terribly proud of you and what you are becoming. I came downstairs to write this moment down so we would have it forever - if I could put those moments in a bottle to somehow have again one day, I would. But, I can't - this is the best I can do.

Sleep tight tonight.



Sara said...

Sorry you couldn't come today. Miss you so, so much!

Drena said...

Good one!

Love the hat too!

Al & Nina said...

Charlotte will be so pleased when she is older that you had the forsight to record these special memories filled with love. N

averysmommy said...

I am crying while reading this's priceless Carrie. It is truly amazing how they grow so quickly and soaking up every moment with them gets more and more precious. xo