Sunday, February 28

Under the Big Top


Judd, Charlotte, and I went to the Big Apple Circus today in Stone Mountain Park. One of my co-workers invited us to attend along with her crew that goes every year. We had fabulous seats - 3 rows back and smack dab in the middle of the ring.

Judd and I were a little nervous about taking Charlotte to sit still for 2 hours during nap time hours - also sans diapers. But she did awesome. We did have our first porta potty experience during potty training - and I can't even describe it - I'm trying to block it from my mind. Lets just say that I had to hold her up above the seat about 10 inches to stay away from the nastiness. Then doused her hands with a bottle of hand sanitizer.

She loved the circus - she sat mesmerized for a lot of it. She clapped, laughed, and even told the different performers, "Good Job!" Judd and I really enjoyed it as well. It was smaller than we expected, but was very entertaining. The performers are amazing!

Charlotte's hands down favorite part was the popcorn that Judd bought during intermission. The child would have eaten the entire bucket if we would have let her. She was still talking about it at dinner tonight.

(Excuse the pictures - lighting was horrible and no flash was allowed)





Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

oh, that looks like SO much fun! and i love the picture of them with the clown noses--precious!!

Sarah said...

so cute! we love the Big Apple Circus. there isn't a bad seat in the whole place!