We take her to the park with us, to the store, sometimes to the nursery at church. Usually whenever we take her somewhere, Charlotte has to pack her purse with all of the things Cindy will need: a bowl and spoon for Cindy's yogurt snack, a bottle, an extra diaper, and a toy. (Charlotte does all of the packing and gathering of items for the purse)
Yesterday, Charlotte wanted to ride her bike with Cindy. Charlotte really wanted me to unpack the infant car seats and use those for Cindy, but I refused. Instead I said we could make Cindy a sling and Charlotte could carry her on her tummy. Charlotte replied, "That's a great idea!". So, I went and got a scarf and fashioned a sling for Cindy. Worked like a charm, Charlotte carried her around like that almost the entire time we played outside. If only American Girl made a Baby Bjorn for Bitty Babies.

It sounds like you are going to have a WONDERFUL big sister on your hands when your little guy arrives. Charlotte sounds exactly how Handley was with her babies and when Harper arrived it just intensified. Not sure if you plan on nursing, but if so be ready for Charlotte to pretend to breastfeed her babies. Ha! I love the sling you made. I ended up having to make one for Handley too because she wanted to carry her baby around just like I did with Harper. She's such a little mommy.
Charlotte, Uncle Andrew said, "that Cindy sure gets around and always in style." :)
I love that Cindy and Charlotte are wearing similiar sandals. She will be a big sister before we know it!
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