1. I'm alone this weekend. Judd took Charlotte to his family's house near St. Simmons on Thursday night. It was his first flight with her by himself. She was BEYOND excited when I told her she was going. I decided to sit this trip out. It is just too far away from home this far along in a pregnancy for my comfort. Charlotte's cousins got there last night and I just got off of the phone with Judd - all I could hear in the background was her screaming and running through the house. To say she was excited would be a gross understatement.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself this weekend. I was pretty sad on Thursday night. But, after sleeping in both Friday morning and this morning, I'm learning how to be by myself again. I think it has been about 3 years since I have been by myself for this long. It is a strange feeling - but VERY relaxing.
2. C. Davis Photography is almost completely booked for September. I have some new clients booked and some return clients booked. I'm beyond excited to photograph these families and children. I decided not to take on any clients after Oct 1st - just because I'm just not sure how that last few weeks will go. So, if you are looking to book a Fall session and want one in September, just contact me!
3. Have you seen Mila's Daydreams? It is amazingly creative.
4. With my extra time this weekend I'm hoping to finish up our 2009 blog book and get started on the 2010 book. It is my goal to get these done before our little man arrives.
5. Speaking of our little man, his nursery is really coming together. I can't wait to get the last few items for it, then I will post pictures of the transformation of our office to nursery. Charlotte's room has also changed quite a bit in the process.
6. Speaking of our little man, again, I have had an opportunity to really think about him this weekend with all of the quiet moments I've had. I can't believe I'm going to be a mother of 2. People often talk about how they are scared they will never be able to love 2 babies as much as they love their first. I can honestly say I don't have that fear - I know I'll be able to. I think the thing I'm most scared of is how Charlotte will feel. I just hope Judd and I can continue to provide her the feelings of security and love that she is so used to.
7. I have a couple new projects I've been working on that I will share this week :)
8. Because I hate to post without a picture, here is one from a couple of weeks ago after Judd got home from Copenhagen. Charlotte couldn't get enough of her Daddy that night.

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