Here are a couple other pictures from the weekend:

Here are a couple other pictures from the weekend:
I just finished reading this book, "the second nine months" by Vicki Glembocki. I have never related to a book more in my life. It is a memoir about Vicki's first nine months with her daughter, Blair. She is very candid about the experience of being a first time mom and all of the emotions that she felt. I laughed so hard I was crying during parts of this book, and at the end cried because I was so happy for her. While I do relate to almost everything she writes about, I must say that I haven't been quite as extreme with my feelings about Charlotte.
Here is one quote out of the book that I think is really true:
"But now, with her squealing, with her more at ease than she's ever been, I've forgotten. That fast. I've forgotten that just six short months ago I could not envision that I would ever be where I am right now, with a whole night of sleep ahead of me, in a bedroom without a receiving blanket or a Pack 'n Play or a single ounce of spit-up in it, in a bed with a husband I didn't want to kill. I've forgotten how scared I was, how ambivalent I was, how stressed I was....And I wonder if maybe that is why no one ever told me that becoming a mom was so hard. Maybe their babies had gotten older and cuter and funnier. Maybe their babies had started to smile. And squeal when they saw them. And they'd all gotten used to each other. Maybe they'd forgotten."
I recommend that all new moms read this book. However, with that recommendation, I think that it might be best to wait and read it when your baby is really socially smiling and sleeping through the night. That way, you may be able to laugh a little more with Vicki - I'm not sure I would have laughed as much at this book if Charlotte were still waking every 2-3 hours at night.
Charlotte loves her changing table. She is so happy when she is on it. I'm not sure if it is because she associates feeling clean there, or if it is because she gets undivided attention there, or if it is because she likes the light from the window, or maybe a combination of the 3, but whatever it is, we spend a lot of time on the changing table. Today I took some video of just how happy she is here - make sure you watch until the end to see a big smile :)
P.S. I apologize for the high pitched "mommy" voice in the background.
Happy Easter!!
One day, she'll be a little more active while her presents are being opened:
Thanks Everyone!!
Charlotte had a good time this past weekend with her Aunt Rachel. We were so glad that Rachel was able to come down and spend some time with her niece when she was this little.
One Week | One Month |
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