Bits of Life for Us
5 years ago
"Hi everyone,it is with very sad hearts that we have to tell you all that our
dear,sweet,wonderful,precious Maggie passed away last night.Bruce and I were
both with her and surrounded her with love.We are so proud of her and how she
fought this horrible disease with determination and that one-of-a-kind Maggie
attitude.I'm POSITIVE that heaven is running a whole new way today-Maggie's
way!I feel relieved that she is no longer in pain and she doesn't have to do any
more hospital crap.We prayed for a miracle but even though we didn't get the one
we wanted,in the last two years and two months we were blessed with alot of
other miracles.Thanks to all of you who were fighting right there with us and
Maggie.She is definately a winner!I am also very proud of Molly and Rocco.We're
grateful that we were all together yesterday as a family and they were able to
see their sister and give her a kiss and a pat on the beanie.We miss her
terribly.B POSITIVE,Love Helen,Bruce,Molly,Rocco and God Bless Sweet,Sweet
Maggie xoxoxoxoxo."