That is how this weekend felt.
I picked Charlotte up a little early on Friday from daycare. The rain stopped for a little while and she was cranky, so I put her in the BOB and headed out for a walk. I was about 5 min from home, when a man pulled up next to me and said, "You know that there are cops on the next street over searching for 2
perps that shot a man on
Lavista, don't you?" I said, "No, I wasn't aware.", then turned the stroller around and ran back to the house. When, I got home I turned on the news to see a story about a man that was shot in his driveway about a mile from my house and the two gunman ran down the street and into my neighborhood - awesome. This is a great start to the weekend when your husband is out of town!
Erin invited Charlotte and I over to have dinner with her and Ella and Emma. So, we packed up and went over as the K-9 unit was searching the woods next to my house. Dave and Judd went to
Brave's spring training with Chad for the weekend, so it was nice to have some company with Erin and the girls on Friday night. The girls get along well and it is fun to watch them play.
After listening to the helicopters fly over the neighborhood all night still searching, I woke up early on Saturday morning. I got ready and packed, then woke Charlotte up about 10 til 7 to leave for the airport by 7:05am. We caught a flight to Baltimore just before 9am. Charlotte was so good on the plane, she actually curled up in the seat next to me and slept. I was SHOCKED. She has never done something like that - she will fall asleep in my lap- but never in an empty seat.

My parents picked us up and we went over to my sister, Sally, and brother-in-law's new house for lunch. My other sister, Rachel, and my soon-to-be brother-in-law were there too. Their house is gorgeous, and my sister is a wonderful hostess so it was a nice lunch. After lunch, we headed to my parent's house in Pennsylvania, about an hour away. Charlotte went to bed early that night - it had been a busy day.
Sunday we got my grandmother and went to breakfast. Charlotte charmed everyone there with her smiles. She will stare someone down until they look at her, and then once they do, she'll flash them a huge smile and wave. She is certain that everyone is supposed to give her attention - I think we're creating a monster :) (a really, really cute monster!) We headed to the airport about 1 o'clock and headed home on a 2:30 flight. I think we were only up North for 24 hours!
It was a whirlwind - but a fun one!